Throughout this seemingly never-ending self-isolation period, I’ve seen a lot of people post their incredible daily routines to social media. Most of these include tasks such as meditation, exercise, baking or learning a new skill. Although all of these have proven to be effective in keeping our minds active, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with guilt for not doing those things. Personally, I can barely muster up the energy to put away the pile of washing that’s been sitting at the end of my bed for two weeks, let alone learn an entire second language.

These are unprecedented times.It’s okay to stay in bed all day, it’s okay to cry and it’s okay not to start writing the novel you’ve been telling yourself you’d write when you had the time. There are very few things I feel capable of right now but some things have really helped get me through this period, so I thought I’d share them in hope that they help you too.

Keep in touch with your friends and family

Despite feeling very lucky to be living with my partner right now, I still feel a desperate need to speak to my friends and family every day. FaceTime your parents, call your best friend, simply stay in touch, they need it just as much as you do.

Schedule FaceTime parties with a group of friends

 As someone who loves to grab a few drinks with my friends on the weekend, not having that option has been very difficult for me. Instead I’ve been scheduling a weekly FaceTime party where we all have a drink, banter and play our favourite party games while keeping within social distancing guidelines. It’s been wonderful to see all their faces and have a much needed laugh.


 Writing is always a good release, even just a few lines are better than nothing. I find that writing when I’m at a very low point helps me put things in perspective and at the very least make for an interesting read once all this is over. Reading previous entries I wrote while in a bad place makes me feel stronger, like I can overcome anything if I overcame that.

Stop ordering Uber Eats every night!

I know, nobody wants to do their groceries and nobody feels like cooking, but right now is a better time than ever to improve our eating habits. Usually after a long day at work and sitting in traffic on the way home, the last thing I want to do is cook a meal. Well, we’re stuck at home and the kitchen is right there, may as well try cooking your favourite meal! I recently mastered the art of making Japanese Curry which has been perfect for the recent drop in temperature! Please ensure you’re nourishing your body as well as your mind, we all need it.


Gaming or Reading

Right now, reality can become overwhelming and not a place we want to spend much time. Reading is always a good option for an anxious mind, I’m currently reading Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman. Immersing myself in the world of Asgard has helped completely take me out of my current situation, even just for a little while. I’ve also found picking up my Nintendo Switch and transporting to the peace and quiet of my Animal Crossing island has given me a sense of control.

A message from my Animal Crossing Islander (Bec)


There are many things we could be using this time for and I do hope you’re using it wisely but don’t put too much pressure on yourself, just do the best that you can do right now. This is something many of us have never experienced before and may never experience again. It’s incredibly challenging but it will come to an end eventually. Check in with your friends and loved ones, stay inside as much as possible and please take care of yourself to ensure you remain safe and healthy.